Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 7 - Sheila's Second Trip to Mecca

Today was our second trip to the Mall of America. We were so excited to get back (he says with a snicker...) that we arrived at the mall about 35 minutes before the place even opened. The coffee shops were open though, and it gave us a chance to look around before the crowds arrived. We certainly weren't the earliest to arrive, however. The photos were taken at Lego Land near the amusement park. They have areas outside the store that they provide Legos for the children to make things and then drive their parents crazy in the Lego store.

The amusement park has roller coasters, a ferris wheel, and all sorts of other rides. Certainly enough to keep the kids busy. The mall is air conditioned in the hot times of the year, but doesn't have heating for the winter months. Heat is provided for the cooler parts of the year by equipment heat and heat from all of the bodies shopping in the mall. Still didn't see all of the place, but certainly saw enough to tire us out. Had to go to the Apple store due to a software glitch on our laptop and it took almost an hour, but they fixed it. Had to buy a western shirt and a street sign that says "Corvette Parking Only". My shopping is done for the trip Kemo Sabe. K

#If you build it they will come" and so they have. Our bus driver told us this morning that more people come to the Mall of America yearly than DisneyWorld and DisneyLand combined. Today we started on the South side, yesterday we did the North side. Had a mango iced tea to start the day, very delicious.. Went into Baby Gap and got our youngest grandaughter an adoreable outfit. She will be 2 yrs in November and loves shoes. The shirt is a centipede saying, " I need more shoes", leggings that match and sox as well, think she'll look cute.
Then into Bloomies for a quick look around, bought a nice lipstick that will fit in my purse. Ken and I had seperated and agreed to meet in an hour. I thought I'd have so much time to do things, didn't plan on getting lost but I did. Went to the bead store again but just looked.
Did find some cute jeans in Coldwater Creek and a cute blouse, promised Ken I would layer dress on the ride home. Got pulled into a "Let me make your skin look 20 yrs younger kiosk" Well have know got a years supply of prime, yes I mean prime skin care products from the dead sea. When you see me again please comment/lie about my youthful appearance. Ken was with me and said it was up to me but he thought I looked fine, that just helped the salesman to reduce the price a little more.

Met up with Ken and we went to a "Healthy Lunch Counter". I had the grilled veggie burger in pita bread with a cup of veggie chillli. It was delicious. Ken had the bean and brown rice burrito, did eat it all but not his favorite. Tonight back to the Outback, they have a nice salad and grilled chicken.
Plan to go to the pool again before supper, it felt so good to swim yesterday. We"ll be leaving early in the morning as plan to drive toDes Moines Iowa tomorrow. The next day will be Omaha, spend a day there and on to Kearney for the Hand family reunion. S


  1. Sounds wonderful..look forward to reading your blog each night..so descriptive..you will have to turnaround this journal into a book..clothes sound fab..can't wait to see your skin!..and even the food is enticing..lucky you guys..onward to Omaha..be safe..Love, Kate

  2. Before I forget..saw Uncle Phil tonight and he said to say hello..Paul beat me to reading the blog..love..Katie

  3. oh another thing..just wanted to let you know Brenda was having trouble posting comments with this site as I tried to help last night..she sends her love and thinking of you..hopefully,you'll hear soon..

  4. Sheila, I have never been to The Mall of America; would you go again? The outfit for your granddaughter sounds so cute and she is into shoes at an early age!! Lipstick--another small purchase and easy to pack. I love Coldwater Creek. We have one 8 minutes from our house. What color blouse!! Your veggie burger sounds good. I had to laugh about Ken's bean & brown rice burrito not being his favorite. Rudy doesn't like brown rice unless I really doctor it up!!

    Joyce Duda
