Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 34 - Midland to Where are we???

What a difference a day makes... Left Bob and Ginger's home this morning headed for San Antonio, TX. Midland was about 78 degrees with wind, so was comfortable. Getting to San Antonio was a challenge, especially when you have AAA maps and a GPS that Sheila swears "is on the sauce!".

Fortunately, Bob had given us some road advise and we managed to ignore the GPS's "yapping" and actually made it to roads that both AAA and the GPS agreed with. Thanks Bob!

The wind was pretty brisk on the ride to San Antonio, but the speed limit, for the most part, was 70 mph, even on 2-lane highways. Saw landscapes that varied from flatlands with scrub brush to farm lands with cattle, sheep, and lots of goats, to rolling hills with lots of green fields. We still see the red rock formations sticking out of the ground occasionally. Not a straight road for miles and miles, as we had traveled getting to Midland.

Managed to get to San Antonio about 4:30 PM this afternoon, after stopping for gas about 30 miles away and almost ripping out the bottom of the Vette on the gas station underground storage tank fill connectors that were painted the same color as the parking lot. Quite a noise, and not one I wanted to hear. Felt better, but not much better, when I saw a Sheriff's car pull over another connector in the same parking lot and he scraped the bottom of a big Ford Victoria cruiser. Got to find a brand name gas station from now on!!!

For the most part, the drive was fine, but we did hit rain several times about 70 miles from San Antonio. The roads are heavily traveled here, and the rain pools in the lanes and made driving difficult and scary in a couple of places. Even with new tires, the fear of hydro-planning was foremost in my mind.

Surprised to see the gas mileage drop from 28+ mpg at 80 mph on Saturday to 26.5 mpg today running at 70 mph. The rolling hills shouldn't have caused the difference, but need to keep an eye on things for the next stretch of our trip. Checked the distance we've traveled since we left Salem, NH, when we pulled into our motel this evening, and we have driven a few miles short of 5800 miles - And we're still speaking! K

My cowgirl hat has gone from ravishing to ravaged. I left it in the car when we went into Bob and Gingers, the car was in the sun, locked, temp about 96 degrees. In the sun it exceeded 100 degrees. The glue in the crown of the hat melted, and was stuck to one of Ken's cleaning cloths for the vette. This means now I don't have to go shopping for cowgirl boots, as the hat is now something for the old gray mare.

Speaking of shopping I haven't done any in 6 days, Ken thinks I've joined a support group, but actually just biding my time. Tomorrow to go to the Alaimo, and perhaps the mercado, a shopping area. I've decided to start some Christmas shopping. Ken has said, he doesn't want an Alamo T shirt, and if given one, will not wear it. Why do men always tell you what they don't want and never what they do want? I read that in the mercado you can bargain about the prices, ah, once again the moth to the flame. More to follow.

Temp in San Antonio on arrival was 95 degrees. The motel is very nice and has an even nicer pool. We checked into the room and into bathing suits for some nice exercise and swimming. Felt so much better after our swim.

Ordered pizza and salad to be delivered to the room, Two hours later, a bag of celery sticks, a banana, grapes and some corn nuts Ken called to check on the status. Was informed the delivery person left a long time ago, must have the same GPS system w have. Food finally arrived after the first bite Ken and I said ,"it's amazing what you'll eat when you're starved." After the third bite I was done, Ken too, kept hoping the food would taste better, never happened. S

1 comment:

  1. Hope your GPS is working better..and glad you had 2nd set of directions..enjoy..Kate & Kel
