Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 28 - Still in Sedona, AZ

Well, another day in a magic land. And we didn't do much exciting today. Such adventurers we turned out to be... After yesterday's adventures, we decided to head for bed about 10:20 PM last night, only to look at the time as we were turning the lights off and it was only 8:20 PM. We wound up getting up 13 hours later and could have still rested some more. We just decided to cool our jets for the rest of the day.

Cooling our jets included doing the laundry and Sheila doing a little shopping. I managed to clean the Vette up a little while she was getting her nails done, so a real exciting day.

This place is so magical and can't wait until our adventure to the Grand Canyon tomorrow. We were finally able to get our reservations to fly to the canyon tomorrow morning. In order to go on the flights, we had to spend another day in Sedona, and that isn't all bad. Made sure we had plenty of camera batteries and memory cards for the flights tomorrow. Everyone says the best way to see the canyon is to see it from above and then to fly into the canyon. To take a trip down the Colorado River on a pontoon boat will be just an added bonus.

Someone wondered what a squash blossom necklace was, so look at the necklace Sheila is wearing. Beautiful Zuni Indian-made silver and turquoise necklace and it's so named due to the squash blossom-shaped adornments on the necklace. Really a beautiful piece. K

That's me in front of the sign of the wonderful restaurant we had dinner at tonight. It's a Mexican restaurant, and we heard about it when we first got to Sedona. I wore my squash blossem necklace and go so many compliments on it, such a beautiful piece. Dinner was as nice as we'd been told. Met a nice couple at the next table and they took our picture, and we took theirs. I had smoked chicken enchiladas and Ken had a steak fajita, both excellent, topped it off with Mexican chocolate ice cream we shared, very yummy. S


  1. Hi there,

    You two look great in your photos! Nice and relaxed along with great tans!

    Any chance you are bringing back some of that delicious chocolate?

    Have fun, stay safe and keep bloging!
    Love you both!

  2. again..great pics..love the necklace.must be so excited with the canyon trip tomorrow..looks like a nice placefor dinner with the views..see you guys at the Grand Canyon..enjoy & be safe..Love, Katie & Kel
