Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 41 - Montgomery, AL, to Newnan, GA

Today we made it to Newnan, GA, to my sister Vicki's home. A relatively quiet drive and what I thought was going to be our first day of travel without construction delays. Travel from Montgomery was an easy ride with mostly 70 mph speed limits. Mostly flat to green rolling hills with one accident in the median strip - no bodies, just broken cars.

As we approached Newnan on Interstate 85, we finally hit construction that slowed us to 50 mph. We were looking for Exit 47, and with all of the construction signs, orange barrels, and construction vehicles, we finally saw the "Exit 47 Open Ahead" sign. Then the "Exit 47" sign appeared with what appeared to be an exit, so the Vette veered off through the barrels toward what appeared to be the exit ramp, only to realize that there was no exit there - just a rather large deputy sheriff having a few donuts and fried chicken. Fortunately, while he was wiping the sugar and grease off his chin, I sneaked the Vette back through the barrels into traffic and managed to find the actual exit 1/2 mile later.

Located Vicki's place with no problems, but it was a challenge to get the Vette into her driveway due to the height of the curb. Actually made it into the driveway wthout scraping the bottom off the car. Vicki was still at work, but she arrived home a couple of hours later. Her home is beautiful. Gave us a chance to unload the Vette and to get some laundry done before she got home. It had been a few days since we did laundry, and I was down to a pair of white socks before I was out of clean socks and would have had to go to WalMart for replacements.

Our nephew Scott arrived in time for dinner, and it was so nice to see him again. It has been about 10 years since we last saw him. We saw his brother, Matt, in San Antonio. Scott is also looking for the opportunity to become a fighter pilot in the Air National Guard. It is quite an interview process to get a flying position in the Guard, but Scott will do well too. Both boys are very impressive young men.

We're using Vicki's PC to post the blog today, and didn't take any photos on the trip yesterday that were post-worthy. We will be here in Newnan until Sunday or Monday, when we will leave for Savannah, GA. K

So nice to see Vicki and Scott again. Her home is beautiful and beautifully decorated, she has such lovely taste. Today Vicki had to work so Scott is going to take us out and about, will find a nail place and get my nails beautified, need nice nails so jewelry shone off to the best advantage of course. Vicki says Newnan has grown so much from a small town to urban area. Tonight plan on going out to dinner, Vicki says tonight is Margarita night and I can only say " sounds good to me." S

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you made it to sister Vicki's..and to see Scott as well..have fun..Margarita night!!
    sounds good to me too!
