Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 40 - New Orleans to Montgomery Al

Hi Y'all, we're in Alabama. Left New Orleans in the rain this morning and it followed us thru. Had a great time in New Orleans.

Don't think we told you but the restaurant Irene's where we had 2 dinners, treated us very special. The second night we went to dinner there, they asked us if we minded sitting at a small table in the corner; if we preferred a better table we'd have to wait 45 minutes. We said we'd be fine at the small table. Well, the owner, Irene, came out to meet us; she said she heard we were a very lovely couple - sure have her fooled. After dinner we decided to share a dessert, and were presented with a primo desert with a candle and two glasses of dessert wine gratis. Seems Irene really liked us. Excellent food!!

! Also had a lovely hotel that was one rate in the AAA book and another when I called. They said that due to the Saints game, they had very few available rooms. After chatting for a bit, they told me they would comp the parking fee, $20.00/day, and give us the advertised fee for the 3rd day. When we got there they couldn't have been nicer.

Today checked in here in Ala, in Montgomery. Interesting city but much smaller than NO but maybe the section we're in . Will go out for a small supper pretty soon, really tied on the feed bag in NO, food so delicious, Ken really liked the po'boy sandwich and the fried soft shell crab. I loved the fish, so fresh and delicious.

Yes Katie, I did find something in Chico's - a really cute shirt, actually found several. Good sales.
Also saw Brad and Angelina's house, was told they go to Irene's too and are given a table in the back corner to they can have privacy. Apparently Nicholas Cage has 2 homes in NO, how to spend lots of money quickly.

Tomorrow onto Newnan Georgia to see Vicki. S

Hadn't planned to go to Bourbon Street last night, but we thought, what the heck. Must plan to stay away from those Hurricanes at Pat O'Brien's. The tatoos are a lot more painful than we expected, but it's all part of "Our Great Adventure".

Not a dry drive to Montgomery today. Hit rain as soon as we hit the outskirts of New Orleans, and it was torrential in several places. Gets scary in the heavy rain and saw lots of cars in the median strips in Louisiana and Mississippi. Most of the vehicles in the median strips were SUVs and pickup trucks. Seems like those drivers are the same all over the country when it comes to thinking they are invincible.

Another 320 miles on the odometer today, and we are both ready for an early night's sleep. Amazing how tired you can get from driving in rain. At least the sun is out now (for a while, anyway). K

1 comment:

  1. hey there guys..sorry for the delay..away from the pc for awhile..see you are in Montgomery..have cousins there..that haven't seen in 40 plus years..hope the rains lets up..
    Kate & Rich
